The Most Common Snow Shoveling Injuries

The Most Common Snow Shoveling Injuries

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine has recently published the results of a 17-year study that documents the most common injuries associated with shoveling snow. The study found that 11,000...

Home MaintenanceWeighing the Costs of Residential Snow Removal

Weighing the Costs of Residential Snow Removal

Homeowners, renters, and landlords alike must deal each winter with the costs and inconveniences associated with snow and ice removal. Safety and health concerns, labor requirements, maintenance ne...

HealthTips to Lessen the Strain of Snow Shoveling on Your Heart Health

Tips to Lessen the Strain of Snow Shoveling on Your Heart Health

Along with the beautiful landscapes that winter brings comes the tedious, and frequently dangerous task of shoveling snow off of walkways, driveways, and sidewalks. While snow shoveling is importa...

DrivewaySnow Shoveling and Heart Health: What Are the Risks?

Snow Shoveling and Heart Health: What Are the Risks?

According to the American Heart Association, while snow shoveling is not dangerous for most people, it significantly raises the possibility of heart attacks for those already in high-risk categori...

ShovelingSnow Shoveling Techniques to Prevent Lower Back Injuries

Snow Shoveling Techniques to Prevent Lower Back Injuries

Every year, the advance of winter is marked not by the first snowfall, but by the first appearance of snow shovels in home improvement, hardware, and appliance stores. After all, anyone who lives ...

ShovelingHow to Choose the Best Snow Shovel

How to Choose the Best Snow Shovel

Snow shoveling can be tedious and exhausting. Not many people love doing it, but come winter, it can become a necessary evil. To make things easier, one has to make sure they have the right equipm...