How Much Time Do HeatTrak Mats Save You?

How Much Time Do HeatTrak Mats Save You?

Winter weather brings more than just a picturesque landscape—it brings the dreaded chore of snow removal. From shoveling driveways and walkways to salting to prevent icy patches, winter maintenance can easily consume a significant amount of your time. However, HeatTrak snow-melting mats offer a time-saving, stress-reducing alternative that keeps your paths clear without the need for labor-intensive tasks. How much time can HeatTrak mats actually save you? Let's explore the numbers and compare it to the time you typically spend shoveling and salting during the winter months.

Time Spent on Shoveling Snow

Shoveling snow is one of the most time-consuming winter chores, especially in regions that experience heavy snowfall. According to Gifford Healthcare, shoveling multiple times during a storm is necessary to avoid the backbreaking task of removing deep snow after the storm has passed. The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety also emphasizes that safe shoveling requires proper technique, which adds to the time commitment.

The average person might shovel anywhere between 30 to 80 minutes per session, depending on the snowfall, and this must often be repeated several times a week. For example, in areas like Syracuse, New York, which experiences heavy snowfall, homeowners may shovel two or three times per week during peak winter months. This adds up quickly—if you're shoveling twice a week for an hour each time, that’s 2 hours per week and potentially 20+ hours over a 10-week winter season.

Shoveling also comes with health risks. As noted by Gifford Healthcare, shoveling heavy snow places significant strain on your body, increasing the risk of injuries or even heart attacks. Given this, reducing time spent on shoveling not only saves effort but could also protect your health.

Time Spent on Professional Snow Removal

For homeowners who choose not to shovel themselves, hiring professional snow removal services is a popular alternative. However, this convenience comes at a cost. According to Forbes, snow removal services typically range from $30 to $100 per hour, depending on the method used, such as snow blowing or snow plowing. While snow plowing is generally faster than shoveling, the costs can pile up, especially if you need regular service throughout the winter.

On average, most homeowners pay around $125 per snow removal session. Over the course of a winter season with frequent storms, this can quickly escalate. If you have multiple storms requiring snow removal services, you could easily spend over $1,000 in one season. Although professional services can be time-saving, they are far from cost-effective for many homeowners, particularly for those with long driveways or larger properties.

Time Spent on Salting Walkways and Driveways

While shoveling removes snow, salting is often required to melt any residual ice and provide traction on slippery surfaces. Salting, while less physically demanding, can still take up a considerable amount of time—around 15-30 minutes per session. If you live in an area prone to frequent snow or freeze-thaw cycles, salting can become a daily task, potentially adding another 5-10 hours over the course of winter.

Moreover, salt can cause damage to your driveway, walkways, and landscaping over time. Not to mention, it can be hazardous to pets and local wildlife. So, while salting is essential for safety, it’s a process that most people would prefer to skip if they had a better alternative.

HeatTrak Mats: A Stress-Free Solution

HeatTrak snow-melting mats offer a more efficient and hands-free solution to snow and ice management. Once installed, they automatically melt snow and ice, ensuring your walkways, driveways, and entrances remain clear and safe without any manual intervention. You can say goodbye to the long hours spent shoveling or the high costs of hiring professionals.

With HeatTrak mats, you could save:

  • 20+ hours per winter on shoveling
  • 5-10 hours per winter on salting
  • Up to $1,000 in professional services

By eliminating the need for labor-intensive snow removal methods, HeatTrak mats provide a hassle-free, time-saving solution that keeps your property safe throughout the winter.


Between shoveling, salting, and hiring professionals, homeowners can spend dozens of hours and hundreds of dollars each winter managing snow and ice. HeatTrak mats offer a significant time-saving alternative, freeing up your winter schedule while ensuring that your walkways and driveways stay clear and safe. If you're looking for a way to reclaim your time and reduce winter maintenance costs, HeatTrak mats might be the best investment you make this season.


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